On your website, you can introduce yourself and, in some way, honk your horn in the ‘About Us’ section. For many visitors, this is the first time they’ll interact with you. It can be difficult to know what to say when meeting someone for the first time. In addition to knowing what to say, it is important to ensure that you convey your message accurately and do not mislead others. Another thing to worry about! It doesn’t matter how you come up with the right words and how you say them, there is no need to feel daunted by the prospect. Here is how to introduce yourself on your website the right way.

In addition, we will guide you on how to best use the ‘About us’ section to convey to your visitors what your company does and why. 

The best way to communicate your passion and make yourself relatable to your potential customers is by describing why you are in the business that you are in.

It is of course crucial to keep it entertaining, but not boring, and to maintain the right balance between fun and serious. It is essential to not bore your visitors nor to appear too carefree. This will ensure that if they need to take multiple screenshots of websites, they will have high-quality images. You need to strike the right balance and tonality – both on a professional level and on a level that is consistent with your brand.

Let’s get started with how to create the best About Us page for your company’s website.


Whenever you talk about your business or yourself, the tone you use is crucial. Here are some reasons why. The goal is to appear professional but approachable, and knowledgeable, without being exhausted by too many details.

It’s not necessary to write a strict Dickensian monologue. Imagine yourself talking to a friend of your friend. In this way, you can avoid coming across as overly friendly while still letting down your guard a little to feel comfortable. Also, sounding excited about your business or a particular product is fine. Do not be shy about expressing your belief in what you do.

Reading your About Us page out loud to yourself or someone else is a good way to test the tone. If you would like, you can even record yourself reading it and then play it back to see where you think the tone needs to be different.

Using this method, you will also be able to identify any awkward or unnatural phrases or sentences. You can then correct the errors and talk to someone just like you normally would.

Your Company and Your Values

This section will vary depending on whether you are writing for your own business or working for your employer. If it’s the latter, you’re going to get a very specific set of guidelines and a list of things to include. If it’s your own business, it’s a completely different story. 

In the eyes of your prospective customers, mentioning two or three core values is excellent for establishing your brand. It is comparable to an individual asserting their ethical position on a subject on a business and even personal level. By stating your position, you let your position be known. In this case, customers will know where your business is coming from. 

This is an insight into the heart and soul of your business. In addition, you will be conveying brand tone as you choose the right color scheme and design for your logo.

It’s important to choose your words carefully… Using buzzwords casually is one surefire way to kill even the best plotted ‘About us page. Avoid using terms such as ‘integrity’ simply because everyone else claims to have it on their website. This is just one example among many, and at this point, it appears disingenuous and like it’s being said just to sound good.

You shouldn’t follow a buzzword trend – be yourself, run your business your way, and term things the way you would if you were talking to a friend of a friend. Every business owner wants his or her company to stand out. Therefore, don’t use generic buzzword blueprints for your pitch. Be unique, just as you and your company are.

 Beware Of Your Hype

First of all, avoid repeating yourself on the ‘About us page, so don’t use the same details and information you use on the home page. You do not need to repeat it, your visitors already know that. As they clicked and read your charming and enlightening ‘About’ page, that was what kept them clicking. Do not turn them around by autonomously repeating yourself now. Instead, keep the energy moving forward…

Nobody likes a bragger, so refrain from boasting. You can brag a little bit, but you must be able to prove it and pull off that brag if you have the substance to back it up. Nothing is wrong with highlighting an industry honor, or a very strong testimonial. You shouldn’t overhype yourself, your business, or your product. Doing this will surely lead to your being found out – and your customer will go back out the metaphorical door, shaking their heads and never coming back to you.

Therefore, your business or product should not make claims that are beyond its capabilities. That is not going to work, plain and simple.

You must explain and validate what your company and its products are capable of. To quantify your claims, you should be able to provide proof that is available right then and there when the claim is read. You cannot just go wild telling everyone everything about your business and your team member’s near-supernatural abilities. You should be genuine and honest so that your visitors can see your sincerity for themselves.

 Be Visible

Before the Internet, business meetings were held face-to-face, and people had no choice other than to enter a building, walk down a street, or enter a town. Today, everything has changed. Even though you still have the option of speaking to people face to face sometimes (if you wish) and going to an actual retailer or business entity, … 

In the modern business and retail world, a large percentage of transactions are done through the Internet. In the process, they become quite impersonal. The only thing you see is words on screens and buttons on keyboards while dealing with some unknown entity.

There is still the possibility — sometimes at least — of speaking to a human on the telephone. However, this is still a distant option. It is theoretically possible for that person to be anywhere in the world. You may never know where that person is in reality. This factor cannot be expected to inspire trust in everyone who calls a number. 

Therefore… listing your physical address will assist in making your business seem more real to your customers. Visitors will perceive your business as more local. Customers will be aware of how near or how far away it is. There will be no confusion over whether they are in the same country or on the other side of the world. It is better to give them a city name than nothing at all. It is even better if you give them a street address and office number. It makes you seem more credible. You are more approachable and a less phantom. You have a physical address where customers can get in touch with you – and that is a good thing. 

Including phone numbers and email addresses is also very helpful at this time. Yes, this is why an address is so important in the first place, but the addition of these contact details will enhance the perception of your company’s presence. As soon as a visitor sees your phone number, they will think of your physical address. The same goes for your email address.

Facts Are More Important Than Claims

Aside from overhyping, you should also refrain from making bold claims that seem too good to be true. Tell the truth, and don’t overdo it. Simply provide the facts that show your product will outlast a competitor’s.

This is your chosen business. As such, you have a good idea about what your customers will ask you. Answer their questions. You can use your About Us page to concisely tell your customers what they need and will want to know. If you do SMS marketing or send email campaigns that take recipients to your website, the About Us section is like your first impression.

Don’t make it Boring

In general, resumes tend to be bland and formulaic to read. Be sure the ‘About us’ section of your business doesn’t read like a resume. Include a few interesting facts about your company. Perhaps the name of the company has an interesting explanation? Provide an overview (briefly). This does not need to be Dickens. It may have been a domino effect of events that led to the company’s formation. If you needed something, you couldn’t find it with the existing companies in that field. Make the story more engaging and relatable by incorporating some real-life backstory.

Keep It Looking Nice

Just that simple. Do not just use a slate-gray background for your text. You don’t have to make it into a Kandinsky painting, but keep it colorful, lively, and simply attractive. You certainly can’t entice visitors to read whatever you happen to have written over a dull or even kaleidoscopic background theme. Keep it simple. Make the content look neat and organized.

Consider adding relevant pictures or a video as an extra touch. If you are going to use photo effects or illustrations, be sure they are relevant and look good. Additionally, an explainer video may be a good choice if you are an LLC or a similar business entity.


From your About Us page, you can let the world know all about the notable bells and whistles of your business operation. This is where you can showcase what you can offer your customers, how you can provide it, and most importantly: you can demonstrate to them who you are. If you are still unsure of what to write in the ‘About Us’ section. Leave it to our Las Vegas SEO agency. The team at Mac J Web can help you write a compelling About Us section for your website. Get in touch with us today.